10 Foods to Incorporate into your Diet

10 Foods to Incorporate into your Diet


Superfoods are all over the Internet and magazines. I did some research before writing this post, and I found tons of "superfoods," from everyday produce in the grocery store, to exotic foods only found online or in health food stores. There are hundreds of foods that people will say you must have. That can get overwhelming so I'm just going to talk about 10. This is from an article I found that was simple and easy to understand. The link is below. These foods are easy to purchase at your local store. Try and have these foods in your grocery cart every time you’re at the store.

  1. Almonds. These nuts are one of the healthiest of nuts and full of healthy fats and proteins and vitamins and minerals such as Manganese and Vitamin E. They're also good for your heart and cholesterol. They are very high in calories though so make sure to only have a small amount.

  2. Avocado. Avocados are also high in calories but they are also full of healthy fats and a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as vitamin A, C, D, E, K, and B vitamins.

  3. Blueberries. These berries are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and plant chemicals needed to maintain a healthy heart. They are also full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-6, niacin, potassium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc. They are also low in calories.

  4. Broccoli. This vegetable helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and immune system, and is rich in vitamin C and vitamin K. All green vegetables are extremely important to your diet. Try to have at least one serving of green vegetables a day.

  5. Cantaloupe. This fruit is rich in potassium which is needed to maintain healthy hydration levels, regulating blood pressure and maintaining and proper cell and organ functions.

  6. Carrots. This vegetable is rich in beta-carotene and full of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals including magnesium, potassium and Vitamin C.

  7. Ground Flaxseed. Flaxseed can be added to tons of recipes and is full of Omega 3s that promote healthy blood. It's also rich in fiber. To see more on Omega 3s see my post, Walking Through a Health Food Store.

  8. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is good for having healthy colesterol levels and a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Oatmeal is also low in calories, and high in minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. Try getting 3 or more of these foods into one meal by throwing some flax seed and blueberries in your oatmeal in the morning.

  9. Brown rice. When brown rice is stripped to white rice it loses all its nutrients. Brown rice is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. To see more on brown rice see my post, Fish and Rice

  10. Salmon. This fish is also a rich source of Omega 3s and is packed with protein. 2-3 servings a week should cover you. A serving of Salmon has almost 40 grams of protein which is plenty for anyone.

Bonus item: Green Tea. Green tea is good for your metabolism and helps fight cancer and heart disease and helps burn fat and lower cholesterol.

Try to buy at least some of these foods every time you go to the store. Keep the snack food and sugary foods out of your shopping cart and replace them with these. Also, it's always best to get organic or natural grown or raised foods.

Here is the article about these top 10 superfoods plus recipes for each food: http://www.smartbalance.com/nutrition/articles/20100803/10-superfoods-heart-health?gclid=COSDp62B1rECFclgTAodI3oAZw



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